Thursday, 8 June 2017

narrative soultion

LI: To write a narrative solution.
LI: To use similes in our writing.

I learned to use similes in my my narrative writing  and use them  correctly in my solution so it is not boring.I learned it by using story organiser and writing similes in my solution .Simile Are when you write something that is similar to each other.There is 2 kind of simile there is two as or one like for example   for two as  the car is as green as grass and a sample for like the car was green like grass.


Mum pulled baby bear  on  a surface as solid as concrete. Baby bear was watching  mum catch fish, but this time he was not on a cliff. He was looking from his room. Everything was ready for baby bear  birthday feast,And they were  as happy as monkeys eating bananas.

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